Deployment of server application in Docker containers

Gisquick application is split into 3 services running in Docker containers:

  1. QGIS server (gisquick/qgis-server image)

  2. Django Application served with Gunicorn (gisquick/django image)

  3. Nginx Server (gisquick/nginx image)


note Official Gisquick Docker containers are available from Docker Hub.

Docker images can be put together using docker-compose command. The command reads configuration file in YAML language. Sample configuration of Gisquick services is shown below.

 1version: "2"
 3  qgisserver:
 4    restart: always
 5    image: gisquick/qgis-server
 6    volumes:
 7      - ./_data/publish:/publish/:ro
 8    ports:
 9      - "9000:90"
11  django:
12    restart: always
13    image: gisquick/django
14    links:
15      - qgisserver
16    volumes:
17      - ./_data/data/:/var/www/gisquick/data/
18      - ./_data/media/:/var/www/qisquick/media/
19      - ./_data/publish:/publish/
20    environment:
24    logging:
25      driver: json-file
26      options:
27        max-size: "10m"
28        max-file: "10"
30  nginx:
31    restart: unless-stopped
32    image: gisquick/nginx
33    links:
34      - django
35    volumes_from:
36      - django:ro
37    volumes:
38      - ./_data/etc/letsencrypt/:/etc/letsencrypt/
39      - ./_data/var/www/certbot/:/var/www/certbot/
40    ports:
41      - "443:443"
42    environment:
43      - NGINX_HOST=server
44    logging:
45      driver: json-file
46      options:
47        max-size: "10m"
48        max-file: "10"


note Sample configuration is also available from Gisquick source code: docker/example.docker-compose.yml.

It is important to set up shared directories mounted by Docker containers as volumes. QGIS Server requires setting up publish directory which is used for published Gisquick projects (see line 7). Django Application stores SQLite database in data directory (line 17), tile cache is managed in media directory (line 18). SSL certificates used by Nginx Web Server are stored in directory letsencrypt (line 38).


tip Use certbot directory instead of letsencrypt when it is intended to use Webroot mode to generate new or renew existing Certbot’s SSL certificates.

QGIS server is running in this case on port 90 (see line 9), Nginx web server on default port for HTTPS protocol 443 (line 41).

Before composing Docker images, shared directories must be created on host machine. In shown example all directories are located in the same folder as docker-compose.yml file.

$ mkdir -p _data/publish _data/media _data/data _data/etc/letsencrypt/live

Directory for SSL certificates is defined by NGINX_HOST environmental variable (see line 43) located in live directory. For sample configuration, the SSL certificates will be located in ./_data/etc/letsencrypt/live/server directory. See example of creating self-signed certificate below.

$ mkdir -p _data/etc/letsencrypt/live/localhost
$ openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 3650 -newkey rsa:2048 \
 -keyout _data/etc/letsencrypt/live/localhost/privkey.pem \
 -out _data/etc/letsencrypt/live/localhost/fullchain.pem \
 -subj "/C=CZ/ST=Prague/L=Prague/O=Gisquick/OU=IT Department/CN=localhost"


note For production self-signed SSL certificates will be not enough. In this case can be recommended Certbot (LetsEncrypt) certificates. See additional information on GitHub.

There are more environmental variables which can be defined. Django container allows to set up:

  • DJANGO_GISQUICK_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE - max. size of uploaded projects (string)

  • DJANGO_DEBUG - True or False (bool) to enable/disable debug messages

  • DJANGO_ACCOUNT_ACTIVATION_DAYS - number of days (int) for activation of user account

Example of additional configuration:


At this point docker-compose command can be run


note Notes about installing Docker in Debian Stretch:

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install -y apt-transport-https ca-certificates wget software-properties-common
$ wget
$ sudo apt-key add gpg
$ echo "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install -y docker-ce docker-compose
$ docker-compose up

This command downloads required Docker images, run and compose them. Gunicorn logs (see lines 22 and 23 in docker-compose.yml) are redirected to the terminal.


tip Docker compose command can require Administrator rights (sudo). To avoid that add current user to docker user group.

usermod -aG docker <my-user-name>

By default, Gisquick platform is accessible on localhost port 443 (see line 41), https://localhost


note When using self-signed SSL certificates an exception in web browser will be probably required to be added.


Figure 2: Gisquick login screen.

Update installation

At first, running instance should be stopped.

$ docker-compose down

Docker images will be updated by pull request.

$ docker-compose pull

And up-to-date container can be afterwards combined as described above.

$ docker-compose up

Useful tips

Access running Docker containers

Example of accessing Bash on gisquick/django container:

export DJANGO_CONTAINER_ID=`docker ps -qf "ancestor=gisquick/django"`
docker exec -it $DJANGO_CONTAINER_ID bash

Run Gisquick over HTTP

Download gisquick.template into directory where docker-compose.yml lives. Change NGINX service configuration in order to:

  • mount volume with custom Gisquick template (line 37)

- ./gisquick.template:/etc/nginx/conf.d/gisquick.template
  • change port forwaring (line 41) to

- "8000:80"

After restarting Gisquick instance, the application will be accessible on http://localhost:8000.